what would be the diffrence between written chinese dialects like mandarin and shanghainese?

its written in characters, 1 symbol means a meaning doesnt matter how you pronounce it. and also the grammars the same and not that diffrent so youcould under stand it still. if you look on the shanghainese sound board the characters are the same just the shanghainese def is fancier.

I need Mandarin/English translation help, please!?

My former-fiancee has posted info about our relationship on his Chinese blog, which I cannot read. I want to know what it says and how it characterizes me and our relationship. Please help me. The link to his blog is here: https://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/bonusfrag/article?mid=36&prev=37&next=29 This is the full text: 分居 分類:我的心事2008/09/17 03:54一個多禮拜沒更新blog。 …

Not feeling proud of my ethical background (I'm a Filipina)?

Both my parents are filo, but i was born in Australia. (pic of me: https://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs467.ash1/25652_1395668613364_1281678514_31136191_1316514_n.jpg I’m not very filo looking >_<). Lately i feel ‘in superior’ to other Asians, because some often categorize us as pacific islanders. We are pretty Asian. But i don’t feel that proud of being a …