Month: August 2011
What products are available in chinatown, NY?
Im goin to China town in NY and I was wondering if they sell fake oakleys, headbands, Airsoft guns, and Chinese style yoyos. If you know that they do, what do they normally charge. Lastly, I speak mandarin, so I would like to practice on them. Do they speak mandarin. …
How do you say these in Chinese?
How do you say "I love it. Your version of this is interesting" In Simplified mandarin chinese? BTW I’m talking to a female, about a drawing fan-art. Thanks, and please no google translate. ^^;
Is it possible to learn Mandarin during one year of study abroad in China?
I’m currently a sophomore at a 4-year American university in Paris, France. Racially, I’m half Chinese but culturally I’m American. I only speak English and French, so my mother is suggesting that I study abroad in China next year to learn Mandarin because I am a Marketing major/Communications minor and …
Translation for a song (cantonese) to chinese (mandarin-pinyin)?
Here’s the link: Please don’t give me links to online translators. What is the title song ? I am looking similar song in mandarin. Many thanks.
why do the aboriginal Taiwanese speak minnan dialect,which means ''south of Fujian dialect'',does it mean they?
originally came from south of Fujian? does it mean even the aboriginal Taiwanese were also mainland Chinese? does it mean Taiwan has always been part of China? let alone the 3 million people that KMT took to Taiwan that Chiang didn’t kill all speak mandarin also. Please enlighten me. i …
Is it possible for someone to learn 5 languages and speak them fluently?
especially if they’re quite different languages like english, malay, mandarin,spanish,hebrew….I will really like to learn lots of languages. I currently know 3-English, malay, mandarin…Is it possible to learn a language through listening to alot of songs in that language?