mandarin to korean translation..?

can anyone translate this to korean..? no online dictionaries please… +10 points to the best answer.. here: 親愛的蔡淑敏, 有時候我不知為何會悄悄的愛上你… 有時候我不知為何會一再的想你,雖然我知道我並沒有任何機會…T_T 我嘗試了但又失敗了 我知道我不應該這樣因為你可能有了心上人…T_T 但我心裡…只有你而已… 我愛你…多過於天上星星月亮的次數… 但最重要的事,我愛你是因為你是你而沒有人能取代你… 我真的嘗試過了但還是沒能找到任何可以取代你的人… ‎ 我真的真的很愛蔡淑敏… 我只愛你一個…. ‎ 愛,洛雅 ‎*還有: 當一個女生愛上一個男生時,最甜蜜不過於當那男生很珍惜她和愛護她,直到永遠♥*‎ this is the english (just incase): dear choi soo min, sometimes i wonder why i love you.. …

I am 14 and want to learn mandarin and welsh as well as the French and German I will take, is this feasible?

I speak English and know moderate German. I’ve had some French exposure in early grade school (I didn’t pay attention) and I know nothing of mandarin. My teacher says I have a thing for language acquisition and I am legally a genius. Do you think I could manage?