I currently attend a huge university, one of the biggest in the US, and roughly 15% of our students are international students, most from East Asia, the majority of whom are Chinese international students who usually are there for a semester/year. While I am American born-n-raised Asian, something I’m not going to boast about because there are indeed negatives of being a minority, I did learn a lot of East/Southeast Asian culture from travelling there almost ever damn summer lol and can identify East/Southeast Asian language pretty well when it is spoken so I’d venture to say roughly 70% of international Asians at this school are Han Chinese, most speak Mandarin and not Cantonese. From experience the the majority of the rest are South Korean and then Japanese/Southeast Asians share an even share.
There is a Chinese chick in my class who I would be attracted to but the main problem is a huge language barrier. There is a mutual attraction definitely according to my friend. But I’m not sure if this will ever work because of language barrier. While I’m East Asian like her, my ancestors left China in the 1800s to go to Thailand so really the only two languages I’ve been raised to know well are English and Thai and aside from obvious East Asian Shanghai looks (where most ancestors are from) I usually identify as Thai.
The only language me and her share are English and my lame command of Mandarin. Whereas she is excellent at Mandarin but not English. Interracial/’inter-lingual’/whatever relationships are mainly about culture, since without culture there wouldn’t be "race." I feel that because of language, the different in our culture (philosophical, religious, and somewhat fiscal matters) might be rather vast and a relationship couldn’t last, no?