is it possible for a non chinese descent to be an actress/singer in taiwan but fluent in mandarin?

is it possible? i have a friend who really wants to be a celebrity in taiwan. but she is fluent in speaking mandarin and can read traditional chinese and write a bit. but she has no chinese descent. my friend is asian. because we are both from the philippines.

Need help writing placards in Mandarin Language? "Tibet Du Li" & "East Turkestan Du Li"?

Ok, Thousands of our volunteers will be taking out procession in front of Chinese embassies in Europe and elsewhere on 1st of October to demand the end to unjust and cruel rule of China in Tibet and East Turkestan. We need to write placards in Mandarin Language, as we are …

When it comes to speaking Mandarin Chinese, why the hell does everyone say the phrase "xiexie" so weird?

It’s pronounced "shyeh-shyeh", not "shay-shay". My patience is running out for this mistake. I know not everyone knows this, but professionals on television? Really? They couldn’t even learn how to say "thank you" properly before they went on their show? Sorry. This just really annoys the hell out of me… …